Difficult to start your sustainability work?

Use SustCoReport to get an overview of your unique contribution to sustainable environmental, social, and economic development. SustCoReport Base is free of charge if your company or organization has less than 250 employees.

  • A good first step for all
  • Focuses on the core
  • Based on standards
  • Anonymous, efficient and digital
  • Easy to communicate
  • Contributes to SDGs and SustPrio

SustCoReport in three perspectives.

A tool for companies and organizations that want to kick-start their sustainability work on their own, learn the basics, and get an overview of how their contribution to sustainable development can be maximized.

A tool focusing on the four most important parts of the sustainability work, the core: Principles, Core subjects, Stakeholders, and Priorities. SustCoReport is based on international standards, for example ISO 26000, UN Global Compact, UN Sustainable Development Goals, Global Reporting Initiative.

A digitalized tool that generates a report with valuable graphs for the user. The report is easy to use in the communication with clients, members, co-workers, and other stakeholders.

An excellent starting point.

Sustainability is a journey and the first step is the most important.

1. Start your core sustainability work with the tool SustCoReport

To the tool

2. Continue by using for example tools for self-declaration

Read more

3. Go deep by using for example ISO 26000 UN Global Compact, Global Reporting Initiative

Read more

Maximize the contribution to sustainable development (click for details).


The 100 000 larger companies and organizations in the world are already working on sustainability. At least 10 000 companies and organizations communicate their contribution to sustainable development through annual sustainability reports in line with UN Global Compact and Gloval Reporting Initiative.

Thanks to companies and organizations voluntarily taking initiatives, and the important United Nations Global Goals for Sustainable Development (SDGs) important steps have been taken towards global and local future that is environmentally, socially and economically sustainable. To reach the goals we have to speed up, scale up, and skill up our contribution to sustainable development.

Great methods and tools are available, we have identified at least 100, but few are available for those that simply want to get started anonymously on their own, without complex management models, external reporting, and help from consultants. Also, very few tools are adapted to the more than 200 000 000 small and medium-sized companies and organizations that operate around the world.

Sustainability is complex but it does not have to be complicated to get started, that is why we developed SustCoReport.

SustCoReport contributes to SustPrio.

Small and medium-sized companies and organizations contribute to sustainable development through unique prioritizations. We call this SustPrio and have generated a platform based on anonymized data from all the SustCoReports: what do the users prioritize today?

  • Prioritized principles, level of application, future importance
  • Prioritized core subjects, stakeholders’ view, future impact
  • Prioritized core subjects, importance to strategy
  • Prioritized stakeholders
  • Prioritized UN Sustainable Development Goals

About us

SustCoReport was launched in 2022 by Davcon and AMAP Sustainability to help small and medium-sized companies/organisations start their sustainability work in a quick and focused way that contributes to the global sustainable development goals. We know sustainability, digitalisation and standardization.

Contact us if you want to cooperate, e.g. support the SustPrio project, use SustCoReport with your clients, develop other digital solutions.